Festivals and Traditions

unforgettable and evocative, our thousand-year-old traditions


The Sartiglia takes place in Oristano on the Sunday before the beginning of Lent and on Shrove Tuesday. It is an equestrian race of medieval origin, in which the rider must succeed in piercing a star hanging from a ribbon with his sword. The harvest of the fields will be the more profitable the greater the number of stars pierced.

Running of the Scalzi

It takes place in Cabras on the first Saturday of September. The faithful, dressed in a white habit cinched at the waist by a cord, run barefoot along a dusty, stone-filled road. It is their way of fulfilling the vow made to St. Savior, whose statue, carried on their shoulders on a sedan chair, is carried from the parish of Santa Maria Assunta to the church of San Salvatore

Summer Sartigliedda

A re-run of the famous Sartiglia,the spectacular equestrian joust performed by children,takes place on August 15.The summer version is held at the waterfront in Torregrande.The festivities take place throughout the day with a sea procession,folklore events,music and fireworks

Regatta of the "Fassoisi"

it is held in the month of July in the Santa Giusta pond. It is a traditional speed race between "is fassonis" (boats built with woven rushes), during which the racers, standing on top of the boats, have to push them by leaning on a long pole. Before the race there is a race between the "cius," flat-bottomed wooden boats that are still used for fishing in the area's ponds


it takes place in Sedilo on July 6 and 7. The traditional horse race is held to honor Constantine, the Roman emperor who converted to Christianity and defeated Maxentius in 312 A.D. at the Battle of Ponte Milvio. Dozens of Sedilese horsemen, as a sign of devotion to the saint, run wildly, giving a test of courage

Feast of St. Seraphim

this festival takes place in Ghilarza in the month of October. It is the Sardinian choral singing festival, in which the most important choral groups of Sardinia participate